| development blog

Like many folks, I kicked off this year promising myself to do better, greater things over the next twelve months. In that spirit, I’ve begun rebuilding my personal site as a showcase of my web application development skills. This blog documents the technical challenges and choices I encounter during this project.

Jennifer Scroggins
Jennifer Scroggins

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WPGraphQL JWT Authentication

The WPGraphQL plugin produces a public /graphql endpoint that can be queried for any published content. Because I want control over where my content is displayed and by whom, I have added JSON Web Token authentication to this site’s build process.

Jennifer Scroggins
Jennifer Scroggins

Resume Building: a static home landing page

The template I used to bootstrap this project produces a simple blog site with an index page linking to slugged post pages. Since I knew I wanted a static home page, one of the first things I did when I began digging was to update the content of the site index to parity with the site it would be replacing.

Jennifer Scroggins
Jennifer Scroggins