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WPGraphQL JWT Authentication

Jennifer Scroggins
Jennifer Scroggins
Posted underDevelopment Blog

The WPGraphQL plugin produces a public /graphql endpoint that can be queried for any published content. Because I want control over where my content is displayed and by whom, I have added JSON Web Token authentication to this site’s build process.

WPGraphQL maintains this JWT Authentication plugin as a solution to authentication management. This plugin is installed in WordPress alongside the core WPGraphQL plugin and provides LoginUser, RegisterUser, and RefreshAuthToken mutations. My application will need to use these mutations to access my site’s content after I go into the WPGraphQL plugin’s management panel and restrict my endpoint to authenticated users.

A screen capture of my WordPress admin interface's WPGraphQL General Settings tab. The checkbox labeled "Restrict Endpoint to Authenticated Users" is highlighted to draw attention to it on the interface. The checkbox is enabled/checked on.

The WPGraphQL JWT Authentication plugin documentation does a good job explaining how these mutations work and provides a demo of their usage in a GraphiQL sandbox. Actually implementing them within my application took a bit of exploration and iteration before I could get a solution working end to end.

What follows are my implementation notes….

Environment variables & credentials

The username and password are provided by WordPress. To set this up securely, I created a WordPress user to manage the connection to my application. On the Account Management panel for this user account, all the way at the bottom is an application password generator.

I included the username and application password in my .env.local file:


These credentials are required by the WPGraphQL JWT Authentication mutations.

The JWToken authentication workflow

The JSON Web Tokens workflow is a self contained way to provide an authenticated user (in my case my web application’s build process is the user) with a secure token that can be included in content requests in order to confirm access permission.

As implemented in my site’s build code, each request to my GraphQL endpoint now runs the following workflow:

  1. The fetchToken request supplies the LoginUser mutation and credentials.
  2. Upon successful authentication, an authToken valid for < 300 seconds is returned and set as an HTTP Authorization header.
  3. The subsequent fetchAPI request supplies a query for content. The authToken in the HTTP Authorization header is used by the endpoint to authenticate this request prior to execution of the query.
  4. Upon successful verification that the authToken is valid, site content is returned and compiled into the static website you are reading right now.

JWT authentication code example


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